
Profession : Prof de Tango / Podologue - Serial Slasheur #6
Video presentation
Serial Slasheur is a series of portraits that highlight this universal talent of juggling several slices of very contrasting lives.
Here, the portrait of a pedicure-podiatrist / dancer (tango)
Vincent Hodin
une naiscentre.mp4
une naiscentre (2022)
À la frontière entre le travail de la Cie du Dedans en extérieur et un montage vidéo poétique
the wisdom of time, 2021.mp4
The wisdom of time (2021)
cours métrage pensé, réalisé, et édité par Vincent Hodin, en Avignon, été 2019,
avec Daniel Tovar Ossa, David Smith et Vincent Hodin
face à la réponse - cie_du_dedans
Facing the Response (2020)
What is the answer for you?
Unique, expected, epicenter.
sometimes cramped, inevitable, always on time.
Fair, not always pleasant.
Before the answer?
it is always the same, the conclusion of an expectation.
We need a question.
What to do when faced with the response?
walking meditation
Walking meditation (2018-2019)
Project led by Vincent Hodin in spring 2018 and spring 2019 where a small group of people meditated together before going out in an urban space to meet the present moment, with an open heart.

Passing flirtation, short movie
Passing Flirtation (2017)
Short film directed by Vincent Hodin, the word gives way to the daily movement supported by the dance movement.
“A succession of short episodes pushes the mind to interpretation. Ayten Inan plays her sweet melancholy music to accompany the images but is included as a symbol. An elderly woman, a mirror. Two young men on a sofa, called to each other for intimacy, express their desire through dance. Two young women echo the same exploratory quest. The movements suggest frustration, a sort of attraction followed by repulsion. A total identity with the other is impossible. If we are melancholy, we must have known or forgotten a lost paradise. The film is the powerful expression of a journey not yet fulfilled, a journey into the darkness in search of a sign of hope, already knowing the impermanence of what is seen and the illusions of what is sought after. ”
interpretation, David Smith

La septième planète

Cuando las cosas inmóviles se mueven
Cuando las cosas inmóviles se mueven (2013)
3 short films shot in Argentina in April 2013 during a roadtrip with two friends. Another way to immortalize a unique trip.
“At this point in my experience with life, it was clear that things in me were frozen. Beliefs, ideas, judgments, sorrows, scars.
Traveling to another continent made me realize that nothing is immutable. Everything can move. I danced and meditated in the highest mountains I have ever encountered. It would have taken me millions of years to see it, but they move, these immensities that we think are motionless. So I started to move these internal mountains, to meet the avalanche. ”
Vincent hodin
Director: Florent Médina
Editing: Florent Médina & Vincent Hodin
Shooting: Argentinian North West

Réalisation: Florent Médina
Montage: Florent Médina & Vincent Hodin
Tournage: Nord Ouest Argentin